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Mirroring of 4chan images | Creation of flash loops | File Server | | Insight | imgtxt | | GifShooter | Stuff | |
Covert SWF to APK
Here you can automatically convert a flash to an Android OS APK file so that you can play the SWF file on your phone just like any other app. + Requires Adobe AIR to be installed on your phone (a free download on the Market). Note that you must have Android 2.2 or higher to be able to install AIR. + Only ActionScript 3 is supported. SWF files that uses ActionScript 2 can still be used, however its script will not work (so for example this will work alright for a AS2 flash animation that doesn't depend that much on code, while a AS2 flash game will not work at all). I've put some playback controls in the APK though so you can still pause/seek in AS2 SWF files if you want to. + Phones are not yet powerful enough to handle SWF even close to as well as a typical cheap computer can. CPU and GPU issues put aside there is often big memory issues, especially in games. But give it a few years and the newest phones can take it. + The only permission that the APK will have is WAKE LOCK (to prevent the screen from dimming). The SWF is not even allowed to access the Internet, so no damage can be done to you or your phone. Note that the app may still be able to open external links in you phone's browser. + The APK is signed with an Anonymous certificate that expires 24 years after creation. This means that you can't upload the APK file to the Google Android Market (they require it last at least 25 years). This is because people shouldn't be able to use this to sell other people's work on the market. + AS3 flash games should work 100%, given that the game doesn't have some kind of you-can't-play-until-we-show-you-this-ad loader. But don't expect your phone to be able to handle that cool AS3 game with lots of effects and graphics that you've played so much, it isn't optimized for phones and will probably require more RAM than your device has to offer. But by all means feel free to try and see if it works. + I made this to be used just-for-fun, not for anybody to make money out of it. Use it to put something short and funny on your phone to lively up the party you're going to. Remember that this is new and experimental, you're doing it at your own risk (though it shouldn't be any risk at all since the application won't have any permissions to do anything bad, either the flash will work somewhat good or you can just uninstall it without any harm done). Keep in mind that Adobe AIR hasn't matured yet and will work better in the future.
Click here to see recently created APK files Update 6dec2018:
Where can I find the ID of a SWF file? I have a SWF that's not on the site, can I convert it to an APK? Tip: If you can't find the flash by its name on the site you can try doing a byte search. Right-click the flash file on your computer and select properties. Find the size field and select the number of bytes (don't also select the word "bytes"). Copy the number into the search field and press enter (you don't have to remove any spaces in the number). After the APK is created how do I get it on my phone? Now all you have to do is open your phone's browser and enter the URL that leads to the APK file here on swfchan. After you have downloaded the file, open it and your phone will ask you if you wish to install. Another way of doing it is downloading the APK file to your computer and use adb.exe (part of Android's Development Toolkit) to install the app, but why make it harder? How do I put a movie clip on my phone? How long do the APK file remain up on swfchan? Can you make a similar service for the iPhone? Why does it take so long to open this specific flash? What are the controls? + Seek in the movie + Pause the movie + Jump forward in the movie + Exit the app + Change volume * = Android devices typically no longer provide a MENU button so unfortunately the next five things probably won't work unless you have such a device (with both BACK and MENU buttons). *+ Zoom, rotate or drag the movie *+ Stop all sounds *+ Remove the mask *+ Framestepping *+ Open the phone's soft keyboard How come there are lots of frames at the end of the seekbar I can't seek to? Why do text sometimes look (very) odd? Got any tip to reduce lag? Can't I just use my browser to play flash on my Android phone? Does this work great? This SWF uses AS3 and won't load at all, what gives? If you are making a SWF yourself that you want working on a phone be sure to always use try-catch Error handling around the incompatible classes and make sure your flash works properly without them (don't depend on the ContextMenu for navigation for example). Then the SWF will work as an APK app on phones.
I shut down the torrent support 30mar2016. After about five years of nobody using it. It just took server resources away from the rest of the site. The problem with linking images you find on 4chan to your friends is that they can 404 quickly. But by changing the domain to "4chanlink.org" in the URL you can keep the image online much, much longer.
For obvious reasons I put this service on a different domain: 4chanlink.org Visit the 4chanlink URL once yourself before sending it to anyone, or else the server won't know that it should mirror that image. If the domain automatically changes from 4chanlink.org to 4cdn.org it means that the image was mirrored successfully. Check the site for more info on how it works. Note: 4chanlink was taken out of commision 29apr2015 because it was being used very rarely the way I intended it to be used and very often the way I didn't want it to be used. Make your own SWF loop, all you need is an audio file and at least one image file. Start by going to thread A and upload the MP3 or WAV that you want for audio in your loop, plus any GIF/JPG/PNG images you'd like to use for visuals. You can RAR all your desired images into one archive and upload them that way. Please RAR your image files if you plan to use more than three. The audio file must always be uploaded separately. You can use any file on the boards.swfchan.net domain. You don't have to have upload them yourself to use them in your own loop. A lot of cut out music loops can be found in thread B. IMPORTANT! If you have made a custom looping cut from a longer music track you should upload it to thread B instead of thread A! Only if you're uploading a whole track should you use thread A (or if your audio is not music). After your files has been uploaded, right-click on their links and select copy shortcut. These URLs are the ones you should use in the forms during the resource gathering portion of the loop creation process. Note that a getfile.asp URL for big files are OK. To begin, give the URL leading to the audio you wish to use in your loop. Click here to see recently created flash loops
From 19nov2012 the only purpose of the client is to work as a private file server. It has some unique features that you might find useful. Go ahead and use it however you wish.
Please go there if you want to download the client or if you want to know more. Not that much of a 'service' exactly but I put it here anyway. You can get some insight on how people are finding swfchan by checking out the referrers. A lot of insight can be gained through the stats (site activity for example). You can also check out the what's popular-page to get some insight on trending flashes. A program that lets you record flashes as you view them on swfchan and then make animated gif images. More info and download on this page. A simple way of putting text into images, just run this flash file online/offline. I created this mainly for people wanting to quickly translate manga for people in forums, but it can be used to create super funny meme pics too if you want to. Comic Sans MS is of course included! The latest version of imgtxt is here: http://swfchan.com/imgtxt/ To download the flash file you can pull down the top frame to reveal a download link. Otherwise you can click here to go to the top frame of the frameset. I would love to hear about any usage of imgtxt, don't hesitate to post in the discussion thread. If you want a feature, please suggest. Create high quality Flash Video (.flv) files using On2's VP6 codec! FLVs created are ready to be embedded into your .swf files in no time. More info and download on this page. Embed a FLV of much higher quality into flash using SwfH264. This (almost) diminishes the need for FLV Maker completely since On2VP6 can't compete with the quality of H.264. Convert an image to vector graphics that can be imported into flash (or used elsewhere). Visit the project page. The one program to rule them all. Well, that's the plan anyway. Right now it doesn't offer all the things that the other programs do but one day it will (hopefully). Got a comment? Post it in the service discussion. |