First of all, thank you very much for taking the time to report a flash file. Since swfchan is so huge I can't possibly check every last file on it (well OK in theory I can but it would take a while to say the least) so it is people like YOU that help to make sure swfchan maintains a legal state and stays online.
Secondly, please only report illegal files according to the Swedish law. To be honest this pretty much translates to "please only report in-real-life underage pornogrophy" (not drawings since they have no age). Underage means below 15 years of age in the country the server's in.
Judging what is legal and what is illegal can be very difficult sometimes. When in doubt it can be a good idea to check the flash file's wiki page, maybe it has some threads attached to it? If nobody have said anything about it being illegal in any of its threads in the past, then maybe it isn't. Keep in mind that drawn/animated characters have no age because they aren't real (although they may not be morally appropriate this site does not take action against flash files unless they are in fact illegal).
Try not to report videos where the girl pretends to be younger than she is. Here's a famous example where the girl looks underage, mainly due to the camera angle, however she was actually >=18 at the time of filming. This is a popular roleplay and can be hard to spot. A good rule of thumb is that if the video looks professional it's probably legal.
Remember that swfchan is a flash archive - as long as the flash is legal it may be archived. This means that you shouldn't report broken flashes, or those that are designed to only be annoying, since they won't be removed. In the past I deleted redirectors but as my time has become limited those are now allowed to stay as well. Completely deleting a file from the site system is actually somewhat time consuming unfortunately.