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SwfH264 — A small program written in Java that makes it easy to embed a H.264/AAC video into a swf file. Only downside is that the flash must be fully downloaded before playback. DOWNLOAD SwfH264_v1.1.0.rar (25.4 MiB) — Extracts to 45.6 MiB. Designed to run on Windows but you can probably use it to make a swf with an embedded flv on all platforms. Requires Java 7 or higher.
If the program doesn't start, right-click "! Run SwfH264.bat" and select Edit to open it in Notepad. You can also try changing -Xmx5000m to something lower, like -Xmx1000m, or removing it completely. DEMONSTRATION Foxy Lady.swf (4 MiB) You can see the source bar below the visuals if you resize your browser window to be thin and tall. Note: The source bar was updated in v1.1.0 -- it is no longer so far below the visuals and has a bigger font with darker colors. In the archive: #171005 EXAMPLE This is how "Foxy Lady.swf" was created: MAKING THE FLV UPDATE: You can now use The Swiff Army Knife to make the FLV file. I recommend you use The Swiff Army Knife because it has more refined options for ffmpeg (and you don't have to work with the command line yourself). I plan to eventually have The Swiff Army Knife replace SwfH264 completely. The whole point of this program is to embed a H.264 FLV into the flash so you shouldn't use the FLV Maker. Instead we'll use ffmpeg.exe to encode the video (the program is included when you download SwfH264). A "flv.bat" file exists, right-click it and select Edit to open it in Notepad. This should be modified to create the FLV that you desire. When making "Foxy Lady.swf" I kept the default settings and only changed -vb 1250k to increase the video's bitrate, -r 20.0 to make the video 20 fps and There's a tab called "Tips for creating FLV" inside the program. You can read its content in the textarea below (the command lines of "flv.bat" is also there). CONTROLS
POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS + Seamless looping + Audio insertion + Better memory management in the resulting SWF file + Streaming video + Fixed font letter size + Video Editor + Video Converter + Compressed video bytes + Save project + Export subtitles + Seekbar + Chapters + Quick jump + More pleasant subtitle creation + Different preloaders + FFmpeg stream selection + Subtitle searching + Subtitle undo + Extract subtitle VERSION HISTORY 1.0.0 (5jun2015) r1 1.1.0 (9jun2015) r2 + Now able to pause and rewind videos that don't have seeking due to incorrect metadata. + Now asks you to confirm when exiting the program. + Updated FLV creation tips (reworked due to SwfH264 now handling metadata itself, changed scale width to -1 and added some on audio frequencies). + Bundled font Meiryo can now be loaded (couldn't before due to its file extension being in upper case). + Darker default colors for the source bar. + Inserting a new subtitle will now highlight it and make sure it is in view. + Source bar is now further up and is larger with a bigger font. + Video frame rate, resolution and duration is now included in the flash meta data and linebreaks are represented by <br> in the metadata instead of actual linebreaks. Questions or comments? Want an update? Please post about SwfH264 in its discussion thread. |